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To fulfill the vision of the customer one window at a time. 

Follow us on instagram to learn more about our company and our services! If you’re not following us on Instagram yet, you’re missing out! Go follow us right now! On our Instagram account you’ll be able to see the many jobs that we have done in the past. You might also see the process of our projects through Instagram stories or IGTV. Also, you can see a full gallery right here on our website!

By following us on instagram, it will give you an idea for the next project that you have in mind. It could be for your office, car, house, or office! Additionally, it will inspire you to see that the possibility are endless. We love to share our projects and see what you guys think. By the way, your’e welcome to comment on our posts with any questions that you might have! In addition to being inspired, when you following us on Instagram, you’ll be the first one to learn more about the Co-founders and the team.

After following us on Instagram, you can also follow us on our Facebook! We have interactive discussions with our followers! In comparison to Instagram, we share our blog posts directly on there so you can stay in touch with us wherever you go!

We would love to hear from you and learn more about any upcoming projects that you have in mind. You can stay up to date with our services and projects by following us on Instagram. As mentioned, following us on instagram, will give you an exclusive access to the what goes behind the finished project. You’ll be able to see the transformation of offices, houses, buildings, and cars. Also, we provide additional information about the films that we used for the project.

Dropbox Lounge

Window Films and Graphics.

Dropbox lounge with a Dusted Crystal Film for Privacy and Decorative. Window  film and Graphics.

Get Window films or Graphics to add a decorative touch to your office like Dropbox did! Dropbox is a modern work space designed to help increase creativity and reduce busywork with the use of their storage platform. Dropbox came to our team of experts to improve the privacy and look of their lounge area. Bay Area Solar Control Inc. took the job head on to improve the privacy of their lounge area. Therefore, we applied a Dusted Crystal Film to the Dropbox lounge area. In the photo above it highlights how decorative films provide privacy while allowing natural light to seep in. To conclude, the level of quality and the overall look impressed Dropbox. Window films and Graphics can provide privacy and improve the aesthetic of your office space.

Dusted crystal film is an exceptional product that in any case can easily be customized with your logo or a design. Above all, dusted crystal film provides privacy while still allowing natural light to filter through. Indeed at Bay Area Solar Control Inc. dusted crystal film is the most popular for custom privacy films. Furthermore, custom privacy films can be adhered to glass surfaces such as windows and glass walls. Check out our photo gallery to see all our latest work!

Bay Area Solar Control

Additionally, our group of experts at Bay Area Solar Control Inc. strives to provide quality service, while guaranteeing long-term protection and satisfaction. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to connect and to see the latest projects all around the Bay Area. However, the limit does not end there for Bay Area Solar Control, CEO Benny Eder, is making efforts to make BASC grow internationally! Subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated on our growth as well as promotions and services!

Thanks for reading. Contact us for any comments, questions or concerns, we’d love to hear from you! Please allow up to 48 hours for a reply from our Team.